Unarmed Security Guard Card 8 Hour Course

For Annual Training & 2 Year Renewal

This is the AZ DPS approved 8 hour unarmed security guard card course for both new and renewing security guards. This is our ground (in-person) course.

8 Hours | $75.00


The unarmed guard card class is an 8 hour class held in person at our classroom.

The classroom is located at our Tempe Location unless otherwise noted on the calendar:

2440 W Medtronic Way

Suite A

Tempe, AZ 85281

All paperwork is included in the cost of the course, but does not include fingerprints if needed, nor the AZ DPS licensing fees.

Classes are held every Saturday at 8 AM.

Steps to Register

  1. Select "Register Myself" to register yourself, or "Register a Group" to register multiple people.

  2. Choose your preferred class date.

  3. Complete your purchase (optional: prints & photos).

Course Information

The unarmed guard card class is an 8 hour classroom only training session. When you complete the class you will have the basic knowledge to qualify for the Arizona unarmed guard card. This class will also satisfy the requirements for a renewal license every 2 years as the new and renewal courses are the same.

This class is for ground, in person training. Our online unarmed guard card course can be found here: Unarmed Security Guard Card Class Online

You can learn more about getting your Arizona Security Guard Card here, where we have outlined all of the information about requirements, the process, and more.

The course consists of several basic topics that will allow students to gain a solid understanding of the functions, roles and responsibilities of security work in Arizona. All course material is approved by the Arizona Department of Public Safety, and includes topics such as:

  • Introduction to Security

  • Communications

  • Security Guard Procedures

  • Use of Force

  • Arizona Revised Statutes

  • First Response

  • Crime Scene Preservation

  • Emergency Response Procedures

  • Ethics

  • Uniforms and Grooming

Prints & Photos

Prints and photos can be obtained for $15. Select the option during your registration for the course, and all will be completed at the conclusion of the training course.

Course & License Fees

The cost of this course is $75. The course fee does not include any license fees paid to AZ DPS. As of 2019, the cost of the unarmed guard license is $72. DPS can only accept the following forms of payment, made payable to the Arizona Department of Public Safety: cashier’s check, money order, check drawn on a business account or cash in the exact amount.


Class starts promptly at the time indicated. Students arriving late may NOT be permitted into the class. Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.

As a general rule, ASG does not issue refunds except under certain circumstances under the discretion of the instructor(s), owner(s), operator(s). Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.